the wild, pervert journal of the murderer on his escape
staatsbankberlin 2001
Dance performance on the media and political excitement over sex offender Frank Schmökel’s escape and his weeks as a fugitive around Berlin, based on his diary.
staatsbankberlin 2001
Dance performance on the media and political excitement over sex offender Frank Schmökel’s escape and his weeks as a fugitive around Berlin, based on his diary.
Konzept: Matthaei, Schuck, Reulecke Tanz, Choreographie: Ingo Reulecke Filme: Nicole Schuck Inszenierung: Jörg Lukas Matthaei Sprecherin: Klara Höfels Licht: Peter Göhler Bühnenbau: Bodo Herrmann PR: Eva Hartmann Regiemitarbeit: Mira Bongard