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a choreographic field measurement in situ

“pèlerinages” Kunstfest Weimar

September 2010:

Site-specific installation and twelve-hour dance performance. Construction of the “Nietzsche Memorial Hall” was begun under the Third Reich, but the building was never completed. After the war, it was used by the state radio of the GDR as a radio station and synchronization studio. For the first time in ten years, the structure is re-opened as spectators join dancers and musicians for a voyage through all of the building’s rooms, its many different atmospheres and historical layers. Morton Feldman’s String Quartet No. 2 meets the voices of people who worked there throughout the building’s history; the performance reacts to the architecture –its function and the ideology behind it – transforming it into room for new possibilities.

Inszenierung & Choreographie: muvingstudies / Jörg Lukas Matthaei & Ingo Reulecke Tanz/Performance von & mit: David Bloom, Joris Camelin, Raffaella Galdi, Katharina Meves, Ivan Mijacevic, Ingo Reulecke, Johanne Timm, Bettina Thiel Streichquartett: Michael Rauter (Cello), Gregoire Simon (Viola), Daniela Strasvogel (Violine), Biliana Voutchkova (Violine) Szenografie: Katrin Büttner (Raumgestaltung), Lisa Fütterer (Kostüm), Bogna Jaroslawski (Audio/Recherchen), Si Liu (Raumgestaltung/Animation), Silvie Naunheim (Kostüm), Laura Weber (Foto/Video). In Kooperation mit dem Master-Studiengang „Bühnenbild_Szenischer Raum" an der TU Berlin. Fotos: Maik Schuck / Laura Weber / JL Matthaei