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Halle Neustadt 2019

as part of “Kaleidoskop Südpark”

The dusty area in front of the school is a parking lot because the consumer centre was no longer built in this section of the prefabricated housing area. The old villages were demolished because the GDR needed a chemical workers’ town. Chemical workers no longer live here because the factories at the end of the railway line no longer exist. Half of the prefabricated buildings have been renovated in pastel colors. The other half is nailed up & decays because the investors are waiting for better times in their offshore atolls. The church pond is still left because it remembers the swamps and floods which rendered this area uninhabitable in the past.

With children from the prefabricated housing area at Südpark we build a raft, an ark, a research vessel – a ferry to the other shore. Some sailors remember the Mediterranean, others were once at the Baltic Sea. Or at the dredging lake behind the motorway. Most have never been on the water before.

by & with:

Lukas Kappmeier, Johanna König, Lukas Matthaei, Johanna Padge, Vincent Zimmer & many many more